It’s time to pick up the writing reins again. Welcome to new newly revived A Thing A Week for 2011.
This past November, I joined National Novel Writing Month, committing to 50,000 words in 30 days. My goal veered a bit from NaNo’s intent, as I wrote personal essays, not fiction, for my stint, but some rules are meant to be broken. As long as I consider it a novel, say the rules, a novel I wrote. I knocked out my words, learning a lot about writing, the process, and my role in it. I felt pride in my accomplishment on many levels, levels that will likely be explained right here over the coming year.
I graciously gave myself December to create space in my mind. Believe me, that many words in one month is A LOT of words. My brain hurt. It needed a break. My brain never fully takes a break, though. While I wasn’t writing in the literal sense, my mind was writing text in thoughts and ideas as I pondered what to do next with my writing. I still don’t quite know, but one idea was to revive this blog. Why not? I realized that I enjoy the process of writing but I also want it to live beyond me. A blog allows this. Also, if I could write for an hour or two every day for a month, I surely can write one thing a week. I now know that I have no excuse and no shortage of ideas.
I am writing a second blog, as well, tracing my crazy decision to run 1,000 miles in 2011 ( Between these two blogs, I will do a decent amount of writing that will keep me moving forward.
Welcome back!
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